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I bet I am not the only one who says, “我不能这么做,” or “I’m not good at that.” We tend to be negative 当 faced with 挑战s, setbacks or failures. However, the key to unlocking our true potential is to cultivate a growth mindset.
成长型思维 is people believe that their basic abilities 可以 developed through dedication, 努力工作 和学习. 这是 不仅是积极的态度 但也 a belief that our abilities and intelligence 可以 developed through dedication, hard 工作 和毅力. 当我们采用成长型思维模式时,我们 看到 挑战s as opportunities to learn and setbacks as stepping stones to success. 其实,在 心态, 作者卡罗尔 德维克 说: “失败 可以 a 痛苦的经历. 但它 定义你. 拥抱挑战,处理障碍并从中学习 你的 错误. 
Let me introduce you to the powerful 概念 of “然而,” to help you apply a growth mindset. The power of “然而,” is the idea that if you 有n’t achieved something or learned a specific skill, 这并不意味着你不能或不会在未来. When faced with 挑战s, people may say, “I’m not good at that.现在,加上“然而,”这个词.“我不擅长这个 然而,. This stops the negative thoughts that may drag you down and opens the door to growth and possibility. 它完全改变了我们的思维方式.
这个“尚未”的概念可以用在很多方面s 我们的生活. For 的例子, in 体育: “我不能这么做 还……”; at school: “I 不能 解这道数学题 问题…… yet”; or even 在日常生活中:“我还不知道怎么烤蛋糕.”
My 妈妈介绍我 to 概念 在我 在斯坦斯特德的第一年. S他学会了 在领导力课程中 在工作中. 数学 一直 很容易 成长的过程中直到我开始在斯坦斯特德上学. 数学是我九年级最大的挑战th 当我被分配到高等数学课时. Let’s just say my first math class at Stanstead wasn’t a success. 尽管如此,我总是尽我最大的努力,从不放弃. Every day, I would say to myself over and over: “I 不能 解这道数学题 问题…还…….” Every day, Alexa and I tried to solve the problems, went for extra help and asked questions.
我可能 斗争d 第一年,但是现在 I’m in 11th 每次考试都取得成绩并取得成功. 我所有的努力和眼泪都得到了回报. 我从未放弃. I don’t 看到 挑战s as an issue but as a potential to improve and grow. 
I encourage everyone to foster a growth mindset and to use the word “然而,” often. 
最后, 这是 a quote by Gandhi “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.”
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